Wednesday, September 21, 2011

El Equipo de Naranja: The Orange Team

From fingers to toes in orange (flowers
and ribbons in hair, with facepaint and orange
nail polish)
Have you ever tried to blow up 40+ water balloons? To say the least it is harder than you would think. They are so small and these Paraguayan ones taste terrible! I never knew that the muscles in my mouth could hurt so much. Nonetheless the balloons were successfully blown up to then be popped over the next few hours. Why was this done you may ask? It was done for el equipo de naranja! Family Adventure Night (our PTA picnic) was this last Friday night and we were able to raise lots of money for our school at all of our booths, food, and entrance fees! While the exact numbers have not been announced I know that at least several thousand dollars were raised from the game tickets alone.
All for one and one for the carrots (hey
they are orange and my boys loved them.)

Like last year, 4th grade was teamed up with the 10th graders. Yet instead of being purple like last year, we were given the color ORANGE!!! Head to toe in orange we came to the picnic ready to compete and try to get the most people to play at our games. Our two games at our booth were a ring toss around bottles and a balloon game with numbers inside (balloons with numbers (related to corresponding prizes) are blown around by a fan in a cage. A contestant grabs a balloon, and receives the prize for the number inside). Hence the reason for lots of water balloons being blown up.

Go Orange Team!
Praise the Lord the weather stayed nice and the storm held off to the next morning! The families and students had a great time and it was a wonderful time to improve connections between parents and teachers!

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