School has begun! For the first time I have my very own class! Well actually two classes, as I am teaching both 4th and 5th grade. These first two days have been exciting, interesting, challenging and rewarding. My students are truly adorable! Many of my students as Asian (Korean, Taiwanese, etc.), others are Paraguayan and Latin American, and still others are North American. Many of my students have a high level of English proficiency and other have a very low comprehension. This additional diversity has certainly presented an additional challenge, but I am quickly becoming accustomed to which words I can easily use and how best to quickly explain others. These students are eager to learn and I cannot wait to dive in next week! We will be learning about Place Value in Math, Scientific Method in Science, Nouns in Grammar, and Maps and Timelines in Bible.
- First Day of School!
- First time having my own class! They are wonderful!
- First Open House (on the same night as the first day!)
- First Scavenger Hunt for my students! They loved it! (It was difficult to explain what a scavenger hunt was! It took them a while to understand)
- First time I didn’t think twice when I was called profesora! I am really starting to become accustomed to greeting and customs of Paraguay.
- First Time formally introducing myself in Spanish to the student and parent body of the school.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray for the previous prayer requests.
2. Please pray that I will be able shine the Lord's light to my children through all my actions.
3. Please pray that I will be able to instruct my students in the best manor possible.
4. The school is still looking for a few teachers for this coming year. Please pray that these teachers will be found quickly and the best ones found for these positions.